Citizens of Courage 2018: William Stamm, William Stout, Bala Carter

William Stamm, William Stout and Bala Carter are three good Samaritans who intervened and stopped a man who was beating a woman with a tire iron no the side of a busy street in plain daylight.

These three men – a football coach, a construction worker and a student – did not know each other or the victim in this case, but all three stopped their cars and took action to stop the attack.

They each risked serious harm when they helped stop the defendant from killing his girlfriend, and restrained him until police arrived then testified against him at trial to help bring justice to the victim.

Watch each individual story of this year’s Citizens of Courage honorees in the links below:

William Stamm, William Stout and Bala Carter

Cynthia Doucette

Marlene Ruiz

Matthew Bruhin

Maria Figueroa

Shiva Ghaed and Taylor Winston